Manly State School's chaplaincy service has now been in operation for a number of years. Our present chaplain, Chappy Greg, is an important member of the Manly State School family. Greg is also chaplain at Wynnum State High School.
The chaplaincy service is in operation at school during school hours three days a fortnight.
What does the Chaplain do?
The chaplain is a safe person for young people to connect with at school, providing a listening ear and a caring presence. They care for students struggling with confusing relationships, peer pressure and self-esteem issues, school behaviour, family separation, depression, bullying and anxiety issues. By learning to develop positive relationships, young people are empowered to face challenging issues.
The chaplain runs positive, fun activities for young people in the school and works towards fostering a supportive, caring school community. The chaplain is also available to support staff and families from the school community.
The chaplain works to foster a partnership between the school and the local churches, businesses and community organisations to provide a network of local support and assistance.
Chaplaincy in school is governed by the Education Queensland Policy on Chaplaincy. See more detail about the Chaplaincy
and student well being officer services
Local Chaplaincy Committee (LCC)
The chaplaincy service at Manly State School is operated under the auspices of SU Australia which acts as the service provider. At the grass roots level, a Local Chaplaincy Committee provides support for the chaplaincy service. This committee is made up of school staff and parents/carers as well as representatives from the local community. If you are interested in being a member of the committee, please contact the chaplain via the school office.
The Service is funded one and a half days a week under the National Schools Chaplaincy Programme. The remaining amount is funded through fund raising, voluntary contributions, donations from local churches and community groups. If you would like to financially support the chaplaincy service in the school, a donation form can be found here