All students at Manly State School are exposed to a variety of Educational and recreational experiences throughout the school year including physical education lessons, interschool sport, interhouse sport, and school camps. All areas are committed to creating an inclusive environment for every student regardless of ability and encompass the school motto 'Play the Game'.

Every student receives weekly physical education lessons to support their physical, emotional and social development and have the opportunity to join the Kilometre club.
Students in prep complete a Proprioceptive Motor Program (PMP) which develops gross motor ability and gives them vital skills required to play sport as they get older.
Throughout a student's time
at Manly State School, all students learn to develop key skills in a number of sporting areas. These include – athletics, swimming, fitness, invasion games and many more.
Tips for Health and Physical Education (HPE) success
Here are some things you can do to ensure your child gets the most out of HPE at Manly State School.
Before starting at Manly State School – be a healthy and active role model to your children. Expose them to as many physical activities as possible.
Ensure you child has the correct shoes for sport – running trainers may look awesome but they are only designed for running in a straight line. A pair of cross trainers or court shoes provides much better support for all activities covered in physical education.
If your child cannot tie shoelaces Velcro shoes can be worn to school until they are confident at ties laces. Let them practice at home until they become confident.
Ask your child what they have been learning about in physical education and if possible get them to practice. Practice doesn’t always make perfect but it does make permanent. It takes 10,000 strokes in tennis to make a new shot autonomous.